Having head full of ideas and not know how to put them ahead on the canvas should not be a brake. That's why today I propose to discover some steps to help you start your own blog.
Choose a theme that suits you
Needless to say, if it is to talk about things that do not interest yourself, you can not transmit any passion through your articles.
Choose a theme that is according to your personality and tastes, that way you capterez even more attention from your readers.
There is no limit topics, the infinite doors are open to you then make the choice to your heart, one that you like ! I was talking about pourquoi je blog in a previous article.
Choose the name of your future blog
because obviously, you should be recognizable and I can only advise you to choose a shorter name, punchy and if possible related to your theme.
Thus will be remembered best for you !
Forget too complicated names, people looking to find your blog might miss it by not being able to spell it correctly 😉
Hosting and domain name
And that is that the "difficulty" moved ... but I assure you, there are some very simple methods that will make your life easier.
L’accommodation, it's a bit like the house that will house your blog. You have possibilities free (key on door) and others paying (requiring a little more work).
The prices are affordable and, very honestly, I prefer to recommend paid accommodation because the free offers will limit the possibilities of personalization of your blog.
There are many sites that will offer you paid accommodation but always remember to look the quality of their after-sales service ainsi qu’à le choisir dans un pays qui soit le plus proche du vôtre possible.
Le nom de domaine, c’est votre url, the link will access your blog and, in pay formula, it will also be a cost but the ability to customize the.
Attention : In formula wordpress.com with free hosting, everything is pre-installed for you. On the other hand, on a paid hosting, you need to install wordpress
vous-même 😉
Lookez your blog
To offer joli design to your blog, just use a theme.
As for accommodation, it can be paid or free (free hosting you will have a limited selection of free themes).
A new time, choose a theme that reflects your personality and universe. Do not try to do too much, the risk of losing your reader in a too concentrated mass of information.
Take the plunge
Once you have everything set up and your blog is ready, it's time to start writing, exchange, share !
Feel free to join support groups, there are a multitude of Facebook, some even allow you to share your blog while discovering the other.
A good blogger does not remain alone in his corner, we all want to find out your universe 😀
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