Beautiful Happy New Year to all. So I get me ?
Yes I have already wished you a good year in my article with the bottom of & rsquo; January screen you can find ici, but the month n & rsquo; is not over, we can still and always wish you pretty things.
Why this article ?
As you know, annually j & rsquo; like an update on what I want to do, in particular concerning blog. D & rsquo; also my point of 2019 is a small failure…
2018 et 2019 it was stressful years for me personally… But since this summer, I must say that & rsquo; this is a certain serenity in my life. Serenity I do not remember myself lived for several years now, and I can tell you that it gives me the greatest good.
This m & rsquo balance; therefore allowed at the beginning of & rsquo; year to ask me, to think, to take stock of my life, on me, about who I am. This introspection n & rsquo; is not without consequence in my day and suddenly for the blog also.
Did I really ever had an editorial line defined ? My blog is that s & rsquo; call a blog Lifestyle and he looks like me. Now that I found and I know better who I am, topics that I & rsquo; it addresses will change evolve too and I found it normal to talk to you.
Qu & rsquo; is what has changed in my head ?
The calm after the storm… c & rsquo; is exactly that & rsquo; s it & rsquo; s happened to me at the beginning of & rsquo; year.
J & rsquo; speaks very little, but there are about 2 ans, when nothing is going well, one m & rsquo; diagnosed feature. I don & rsquo; there have d & rsquo; first not pay attention, then I don & rsquo; have not believed in it… Yet over time, documenting me and trying to understand 30 first years of my life, it explained a lot of things. If ever you are interested that I & rsquo; deepen the subject tell me.
This m & rsquo; helped exonerate me about some mistakes and accept a little more my personality. Trust me n & rsquo; is still not become one of my qualities but I became more lenient with myself. Find and learn which one is 34 ans… c & rsquo; is not too early ! lol
I become myself !
Qu & rsquo; is what changes to the blog 2020 ?
Do not worry j & rsquo; still loves the technology, The tatoos, travel, mes animaux, and photo !
But aujourd & rsquo; hui I m & rsquo; allowed to change my way of working and some centers d & rsquo; interest. For example cosmetics, I begin gradually to all that is natural, not by pure green spirit for now, but because I'm interested me why my few problems health, which are largely caused by endocrine disruptors.
I let my creativity talk, and as I've talked to you last week, j & rsquo; have FINALLY opened the online store => Passes we see
The brain, l & rsquo; intuition, mentalism… Are topics that m & rsquo; have always passionate, c & rsquo; is d & rsquo; also why j & rsquo; did a Masters in Criminology. But after my studies, not being able to do my job, was experienced as a kind of & rsquo; failure. J & rsquo; have set aside the whole part of me. Since the beginning of & rsquo; year I returned to background on the subject, I document myself and I & rsquo; also would love to share these issues with you.
C & rsquo; is d & rsquo; for this reason that the youtube channel is the & rsquo; abandonment. I do not know yet in what format address certain themes, but it will develop slowly. J & rsquo; s also got this low point when Sir n & rsquo; more had time to m & rsquo; help because of his job, but I will c & rsquo; is promised.
I must confess that some, (many), kilos in less m & rsquo; help light my camera. Ça aussi j’y travaille 🙂
You follow my ?
obviously, j & rsquo; love in 2020 you say I'll take you to crazy trips as c & rsquo; is still one of my greatest passions, but for now I don & rsquo;'ve won that lotto € 4… Yet one has the head in travel dreams…
D & rsquo; the statistics, you are my InkedGeek, men and women, almost equal share and have an average 30-40. Then I tell myself as I, talk about clothes and candles n & rsquo; is not necessarily your priority. Attention, j & rsquo; still loves clothes and decor, and I will continue to talk as soon as j & rsquo; have some great things to show you, but it doesn & rsquo; s not my priority. D & rsquo; also tell me your age ?
Maybe that & rsquo; one day I also will talk about family and & rsquo; children. Surely… the time will come, but as what it n & rsquo; not because you want children as the & rsquo; age 25 years you do.
Reflect… I believe that I & rsquo; have accepted 2020 my brain is constantly active, so much so that I sometimes disperses.
Could not tell you what the next item… j & rsquo; d & rsquo have full; in mind and we'll see where the wind takes me. I become me maybe ?
J & rsquo; await your comments and tell me what you think of it and what are the issues that t & rsquo; interest.
Merci beaucoup pour ce partage a coeur ouvert. J’adore te lire. J’ai hâte de voir la suite. Je te souhaite beaucoup de belle chose pour cette nouvelle année et hâte de te voir bientôt sur youtube aussi hi
Merci merci merci !!! Oui je pense, en tout cas je vais essayer de vous parler de cela en vidéo assez vite. Belle et Heureuse année à toi aussi
Je te souhaite une belle année pleine d’authenticite ! Hâte de voir la suite ?
Merci beaucoup à toi et une jolie année plein de beaux projets